혹시 아래 내용을 진행해 보실 수 있나요?

-> 보내는 사람 PC에서 적용

  1. Windows키 + R을 눌러서 실행 창에 regedit 입력
  2. 레지스트리 키 값으로 이동하여
  3. DisableTNEF DWORD로 생성 후 값을 1로 설정
  4. Outlook 다시 실행하고 메일을 발송



- Bookmarks 10.4.4 - vscode에는 별도의 bookmark 기능이 없음.

- C/C++ - ms용 (필수)

- C++ Intellisense (필수)

- Go to Next/Previous Member - 함수단위로 점프할 수 있음., 설치한 후 키 설정 필요.


- Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer - sublime 의 세팅을 가져와서 설정함.

- Identical Sublime Monokai C# theme and colorizer







  1. - : regular file
  2. d : directory
  3. c : character device file
  4. b : block device file
  5. s : local socket file
  6. p : named pipe
  7. l : symbolic link

Character device

Character and block device files allow users and programs to communicate with hardware peripheral devices.

For example:

$ ls -ld /dev/vmmon 
crw------- 1 root root 10, 165 Jan 4 10:13 /dev/vmmon

In this case the character device is the vmware module device.

Block Device

Block devices are similar to character devices. They mostly govern hardware as hard drives, memory, etc.

$ ls -ld /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Jan 4 10:12 /dev/sda


ref. https://linuxconfig.org/identifying-file-types-in-linux


Identifying File types in Linux - LinuxConfig.org

Details Lubos Rendek System Administration 09 June 2016 Introduction When navigating the Linux file system you are sure to encounter different file types. The most used and obvious file types are regular files and directories. However, the Linux operating



character device file 의 사용


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